Greetings Players,
It's time to announce our upcoming August convoy! With our June and July events hosted in the States, we know our European truck fans will be excited to know for August we plan on hauling across Scandinavia!
Join us this Saturday 31st August 2019 at 17:00 UTC (Alternative Timezones).
Meeting at Norway's Capital city, we will haul across the country to experience miles of its breathtaking mountain ranges, bridges, and tunnels. Our haul will lead to the destination of one of Sweden's major cities, Gothenburg.
The convoy duration is estimated to be 90 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest.
We welcome the use of double trailers in the convoy, however, please ensure you use permitted combinations. Refer to rule 3.4 - Trailer combinations.
Please feel welcome to comment or ask questions on our forum topic!
Departure: Polaris Lines or Container Port, Oslo, Norway
Destination: Gothenburg, Sweden
Convoy Route:
Additional Event Info: Event Rules | DLC: Scandinavia | Server: Official Convoy
Happy trucking!
-TruckersMP Team