Event Description
DLCs Requirements
Event Information
Hallöchen meine Freunde,
Wir, die Ost-West-Logistik möchten mit dir gemeinsam das neue Jahr im ETS2 Herzlichst Willkommen heißen.
Dazu laden wir euch zu folgendem Konvoi ein.
Gemeinsam wollen wir mit euch von München aus Starten und uns Richtung Barcelona begeben, dazu werden wir eine kleine Verschnaufpause in Turin einlegen.
Wir würden uns gerne mit euch gegen 18Uhr auf dem Server treffen wollen, um dann gemeinsam 19Uhr zu Starten.
Das Ganze wird sich 1807km erstrecken.
Wir, die Ost-West-Logistik würden uns wahnsinnig darüber freuen wenn du (egal ob alleine oder mit deiner Spedition) uns begleiten würdest.
Temporary rules
Approved by Event Management
Event Rules for Participants:
- Only approved event staff can use the following tags in their player tags: “ConSec", "Ausbilder", "Einsatzleiter", "Konvoiende"
- Impersonating Event Staff using the aforementioned tags is forbidden.
- Overtaking is prohibited.
- Participants must ignore traffic lights unless it is unsafe to do so.
- Free roaming on the server is prohibited.
- Advertising is prohibited (except for event staff).
- Participants must haul a trailer.
- Double trailers, Triple trailers and HCT trailers configurations are prohibited. (Except Event Staff)
- Participants must follow Event Staff instructions.
- Participants are allowed to block the parking lane and the left lane at the start and break for a smooth starting and resume. The lane between them must be kept clear for participants who wish to drive to their VTC, petrol station or to leave the convoy. According to this image: https://imgur.com/oRAwvAy.png
- All other TruckersMP rules apply.
Event Rules for Event Staff:
- Event Staff can block junctions and roads approaching junctions in order to direct the convoy.
- Event Staff overtaking the convoy cannot be performed by more than 2 members at a time.
- Event Staff can drive the incorrect way where roads have a central reservation barrier ONLY. In accordance with the rule above.
- All other TruckersMP rules apply.