SCS have released a new update for American Truck Simulator.
We do not support this update yet on TruckersMP, but fortunately it is possible to downgrade using version temporary_1_50 on Steam!
For information on downgrading your game, please click here. Thank you for your patience.
Due to construction works taking place on the Alpine Road near Klagenfurt between August 30th and September 13th 2024 one direction of traffic will be closed.
We advise you to avoid planning events down this road during this period as construction work and diversions will be in place on all servers which could affect your event route. (Note: You will only see the area actively worked on in Simulation 1).
You can find out more regarding the construction on our Blog post
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Event Management via Feedback should you have any questions or concerns.
Meetup Time | Tue, Aug 20, 2024 17:00 |
Location | Oslo (Slot Parking & Public Garage) |
Destination | Södertälje (Scania Race Track) |
Main Language | German |
Communication | |
Link | |
Der Halbzeit Konvoi soll ein Feierliches Event sein, wo das 1 Jährige wiederbestehen des KirkenesChaosClubs gefeiert wird aber auch der Weg zum 3 Jährigen Jubiläum eingeleitet wird. Dieses möchten wir mit euch groß Feiern und laden euch alle dazu ein!
The half time convoy will be a festive event, where the 1 year anniversary of the KirkenesChaosClub will be celebrated but also the way to the 3 year anniversary will be initiated. We would like to celebrate this with you and invite you all to join us!
Das Truckfest beginnt um 19:30 Uhr. Wir werden folgende Kategorien Bewerten
VTC mit den meisten Teilnehmern (15€ Steam) VTC mit der besten Lackierung (10€ Steam) Bester Truck aus einer VTC (10€ Steam) Bester Public Truck (10€ Steam)
Die Bekanntgabe der Gewinner erfolgt am Ende des Konvois
The Truckfest starts at 7:30 p.m. We will judge the following categories
VTC with the most participants (15€ Steam) VTC with the best paint job (10€ Steam) Best truck from a VTC (10€ Steam) Best public truck (10€ Steam)
The winners will be announced at the end of the convoy
Kein Konvoi ohne Slots, wir Bieten euch 15 verschiedene Parkmöglichkeiten an, die ihr Buchen könnt. Außerdem bieten wir 2 Public Zonen an, einmal eine für Fahrer ohne VTC und einen Bereich für VTC's, die keinen Slot haben aber mit mehr als 3 Fahrern an unseren Konvoi Teilnehmen.
No convoy without slots, we offer you 15 different parking options that you can book. We also offer 2 public zones, one for drivers without a VTC and one for VTC's that do not have a slot but participate in our convoy with more than 3 drivers.
Abgesichert durch United Convoys
( (click on the Button)