Following consultations with Verified VTCs and other stakeholders changes to the event date restrictions have been introduced.
From the 1st of February 2025, you can no longer create events more than 6 months in advance.
All events that were scheduled after December 2025 have been reverted to draft and will need to be republished at a later date.
中国顶尖车队成立于2022年9月15日,由现顶尖车队创始人晴天建立,VTC于2021年10月10日由晴天建立,车队目前900于人加入,您的到来我们非常欢迎!车队拥有联运部 人事部 活动部 媒体部 来给到车队成员更好的体验!我们拥有专业的车队平台以及联运部制作存档所需卸载DLC的插件!我们的团队在不断的成长中不断发展,吸取教训努力打造车队,我们举办过数十场活动并承办过数十场大型活动。历史不再重演,顶尖演绎经典!