Over the past month, we’ve had our driver summer break where drivers don’t have to worry about their activity. During this time, we asked for some of our drivers to share their time away with us! From heading to Silverstone to a holiday in Scandinavia, we’ve seen quite a bit and have chosen to share some of these with the community.
For those of us who are still waiting to go on holiday, it’s making us excited. Vicc, one of our managers, took a short city break to Antwerp, Belgium and show’d the GPE Driver Team the best sights and views of the city. From impressive castles to picturesque lakes, these photos capture the best of Belgium, now where is the chocolate...
Not everyone in GPE went on holiday, some of us are still exploring Europe from the comfort of our house.We’ve trucked alongside the community at the TruckersFM convoy this month. We helped make construction projects happen around the continent with the brand new Wielton trailer pack. We're absolutely in love with this new pack and we can't wait to show it off on the roads on TruckersMP during our convoys.
With our driver summer break coming to an end, we can’t wait to welcome them back and get back to trucking around Europe as a family. Now, like anytime, is the perfect time to kick-start your driving career with Golden Phoenix Express. If you meet the requirements, why not apply today and join our happy family!
Kind Regards,
GPE Public Relations Team