Belobog Transco

Sliding through the traffic

Recruting new HR, MT and Event team members!

By NeuviLunar   |   09 Sep 2023 12:49 UTC | Updated on 09 Sep 2023 12:50 UTC

We are looking for some talented folk to help Belobog Transco get back up on its feet!

The VTC is looking for some staff that can help us get back to the top. We are looking for these 3 main categories of staff!

Human Recourses!

We are looking for a few HR staff members, that could help with stuff like, driver applications, event invites and more!

Media Team!

Media Team personal will help with taking pictures of trucks in stuff like convoys, or just out and about. You should also be able to do some photoshop (if you know how to ofc.)

Event Team

The event team will be in charge of making the convoys and everything that goes along with it. Updating the spreadsheets and making the routs.


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Tag: Belobog | Newbie
Language: English
Created: 12 Sep 2022 12:23 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: LostPhoenix
Members: 48
Recruitment: Open