Last update: 25 Jan 21:14 UTC
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This guide will help you through the installation process and give more information on how to use DBus World on our servers. Read through this entire article to get you set up with everything necessary. At the end of this article, you will also find some frequently asked questions that should help answer any queries!
1. Notes
2. Downloading & Installing DBus World
3. Updating DBus World Lines
4. Starting the game, In-Game Hotkeys, Buying a bus
5. Starting a route
6. Uninstalling DBus World
7. Frequently Asked Questions
8. Get Support
You can download the DBus World Client from their download page. Click download at the bottom of the page.
Once you have downloaded the client, run the installer and follow the instructions. Make sure to choose the correct installation and Documents path. If you do not know where your game is installed, click here to find out, under Finding the correct path(s).
After a successful installation, you can start the client. You will need to sign in using the same credentials you used on the DBus World website.
You might be asked to update DLL telemetry files, which are required for DBus World to work. You may click Yes on the pop-up or press the Update button within the DBus Client to update the telemetry version.
The installation and setup are now complete. The DBus World Client should look like this.
If everything is right so far, you may now close the DBus World client.
You must ensure you have the latest version of the TruckersMP lines installed as the game may not work or may crash without being updated.
First, you must join the DBus World Discord.
Below is a link to the DBus World line-repository. You must be in the DBus World Discord to access the lines download, see the above step.
Documents\DBus Client\maps
folder.When you have started the game and have logged in, you should be greeted with an overlay that looks similar to below. Press Delete on your keyboard to gain access to your mouse to interact with the DBus Client overlay. You will be required to login again using the login details of your account on the DBus World Website.
Once you have logged in, you should see a page similar to the below. It is possible to hide and show the overlay by pressing Delete on your keyboard, and then using the arrow on the top left of the DBus World overlay to minimize and maximize it.
These key binds are used to open and close the doors of the bus and will be necessary once you want to let passengers enter your bus.
If you do not set these keybinds or use invalid keys, you will experience a black screen like below. If you experience this, please try to use different keys such as A-Z or numkeys.
Press Delete on your keyboard to access your mouse, press New Game on the DBUS World overlay.
Select the latest available TruckersMP Map, in this example we use TruckersMP v1.53.
Decide & select which line you want to run. In this example we use Liverpool - London.
Click Create Game and your line will get generated. The overlay will now show the information for your route, including timings, earnings and passengers. Your route will also be set on your navigation, including way points.
Now you can start heading to your first bus stop to pick up your very first passengers.
Once at your bus stop, you will see a marker where you need to park, ensuring your doors are on the side where passengers are waiting.
Once parked, open your doors using the keybindings you set earlier. Your Route Advisor will remind you to allow passengers to board and prompt you with the keybindings you set earlier.
Once your doors are open, your passengers will enter your bus and sit down.
Once your passengers have all boarded, your Route Advisor will prompt you to close your doors.
You can now continue to the next stop on your route. When you have finished, DBus World will give you a round up of the completed route.
You can finalize the finished route by scrolling down and clicking Finish the route.
You can then start a new line by repeating the same steps that were explained above.
There are four main parts to uninstalling DBus World for TruckersMP, Uninstalling the Client, removing the Plugins, deleting the DBus Client folder and deleting the hry_core folder.
file, as well as the DBus_World.dll
file which is in the hry_plugins
folder.\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x64\plugins
\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x64\plugins\hry_plugins
You should only follow this step if you don't use other plugins that also use hry_core.
If you have followed all four parts of uninstalling DBus World, it should now be removed.
Help! I have a black screen when starting a route. How can I fix this?
Is it possible to drive a custom route in TruckersMP?
Can I drive more buses?
Why is the front of the bus non-collision?
Can I create lines on the ProMods servers?
I am parked on the white marker to load my passengers, but it isn’t boarding them?
Can I use the bus without downloading DBus World?
Can I change the text displayed on the front of my bus?
Why does my game not load when I select the DBus profile?
While we provide some of the gameplay functionality such as passengers entering the bus, ingame economy and more, DBus World provides the route system, client, and way more.
If you are experiencing issues with the DBus World on the TruckersMP Servers, please get into contact with our Support Team. If you also experience the same issues within Singleplayer, please do not hesitate to contact DBus World support.
TruckersMP Support:
DBus World Documentation:
DBus World Support:
TruckersMP Community Manager