车队成立时间: 2020/1/11
车队名: TR-Team
车队招新交流群: 881959266
车队YY频道: 759895
我们更改了一些规章制度,并于5月1日开始实施 We have edited some rules which will be activated on 1st May
01 May 2020 13:31 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
在4月的最后一天,TRT和COS. HXT举行了一次友谊联运,增加各个车队之间的友谊,增加各个车队之间的联系 On the last day of April, TRT, COS, and HXT had held a friendly convoy which enhanced the friendship between us.
01 May 2020 13:23 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
同时我们也启用了新的规章制度 We have activated new rules at the same time
30 Apr 2020 11:31 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
[T.R.T] The TR-Team team was founded on January 11, 2020. TR (The DreamOf Racing): a racing dream. Team: Team.
28 Apr 2020 11:08 UTC | [TR-Team]*000_beichen
每个月的中国车队联盟的联运活动,都能够让我们大开眼界 The convoy held by China Team Alliance, which gain huge surprise to us.
27 Apr 2020 12:10 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
了解并接受TruckersMP官方规则。 由于我们是新车队,所以规则较为严格,接受以上几点方可申请
1 .年满十八周岁
2 .不指定dlc
3 .稳定在线,听指挥(玻璃心绕道)
4 .了解并接受TruckersMP官方规则。
1. truckersmp个人信息页截图(包含封禁记录)
No DLCs Required