车队成立时间: 2020/1/11
车队名: TR-Team
车队招新交流群: 881959266
车队YY频道: 759895
随着车队的稳定发展,我们车队决定于2020年4月15日举办首次双挂联运,并取得圆满成功 With the stable development of our team, we decided to hold the first double-cargo convoy on 15th April 2020, and we gained huge success at the end
16 Apr 2020 17:22 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
很高兴,本车队能成立三个月并较为稳定的发展,此次联运本车队以接力赛的形式联运并取得圆满成功! It is really exciting that our team is three months old and keeps developing step by step. This time we decided to hold the convoy as relay racing and we gained a huge success!
11 Apr 2020 20:36 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
开一段路,遇一些人。看到美丽的世界,领略绚丽的风景,悟得一种自由叫与心有关。愿TRT车队-ST车队友谊长存…… Drive on the road, meet some people, see the beautiful world, experience brilliant viewpoints and understand freedom which is related to the heart. We hope the friendship between TRT Team and ST Team can be forever.
08 Apr 2020 18:05 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
很荣幸我们车队能够举办这场联运活动并取得圆满成功,感谢CDT车队和SK车队的参加,希望我们车队之间友谊长存 We feel proud that our team can hold this convoy and gain huge success, we also really appreciated that CDT Team and SK Team can take part in our convoy. Our team hope the friendship between us can be kept forever
03 Apr 2020 16:47 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
此次活动约有14个车队,280人参加 There are around 14 teams and 280 members took part in the convoy
22 Mar 2020 19:19 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
了解并接受TruckersMP官方规则。 由于我们是新车队,所以规则较为严格,接受以上几点方可申请
1 .年满十八周岁
2 .不指定dlc
3 .稳定在线,听指挥(玻璃心绕道)
4 .了解并接受TruckersMP官方规则。
1. truckersmp个人信息页截图(包含封禁记录)
No DLCs Required