[RO] Trans Express

„Conducem oriunde și oricand”

Convoy [RO] Trans Express : A Classic ONE!

By Sebyyy_RTE   |   15 Sep 2023 19:12 UTC | Updated on 15 Sep 2023 19:15 UTC

Convoi [RO] Trans Express

Tocmai ce am terminat un convoi superb desfășurat pe Simulation 2 .La acest convoi am avut o prezenta extraordinara a șoferiilor noștri. A fost un convoi foarte bine organizat datorita membrilor staff foarte dedicați. Convoaiele de genul ăsta ne amintește ce comunitate Mare și Respectată avem. Suntem foarte mulțumiți cu prezența membrilor mai ales după un concediu lung și meritat.

Le mulțumim tuturor participanților dar in special liderului de convoi.

[RO] Trans Express , conducem oriunde și oricând!

Convoy [RO] Trans Express

We have just finished a superb convoy conducted on Simulation 1. In this convoy we had an extraordinary presence of our drivers. It was a very well organised convoy thanks to the very dedicated staff members. Those type of convoys remembers us what a Nice and big community we have! We are very pleased with the the number of drivers who are comming at our events and certainly after a some long and deserved holidays =)

We would like to thank everyone for comming but especially our Convoy leader!

[RO] Trans Express, we drive anywhere and anytime!

Detalii: | Details:

Vineri, 09 Septembrie 2023 | Friday, the 9th September 2023

Joc: Euro Truck Simulator 2 | Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Ora intalnire: 20:30 | Time (Meetup): 8:30 PM

Server: Simulation 2 | Server: Simulation 2


Multumim pentru atentia acordata!

Thank you For your Attention!


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Tag: [RO] Trans Express
Language: Romanian
Created: 23 Mar 2020 12:25 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: robert_edy1
Members: 211
Recruitment: Open