欢迎加入 龍運集團 Dragon Freight [D.G.F]本VTC是Trucksbook注册的虚拟公司目前是唯一拿到奖杯的国内VTC。我们拥有属于本VTC专属的货柜涂装及卡车涂装。专属涂装目前只支持单机使用。联系方式Yy:926812 群:996314977
We will fully support MP activities and comply with the regulations. So far, Longyun group
| 31 Oct 2020 02:37 UTC | Luck]-JV ZI
With the development of the times, Scania has upgraded the V8 model. In the case of constant displacement, the weight of the whole engine is reduced by 80 kg, and one third of the components are redesigned, so that the engine has a longer service life and lower fuel consumption. Therefore, if you don't have any experience with Scania V8, if you have the chance to try it yourself, it will definitely leave you with a different driving experience!
13 May 2020 17:20 UTC | [N.Six] - Ke Le
*TrucksBook必须使用统一的公司个人LOGO做为头像。 *游戏中行驶速度不得超过100km/h(以外部任务为主) ——————————————————————————————————
*TrucksBook必须使用统一的公司个人LOGO做为头像 *游戏中行驶速度不得超过100km/h(以外部任务为主)
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