Hello there Randale people!
During the month of June, Thermo-Liner-Group held a special event for the very first time. The event was called "Truckfest Weissenstein" and was hosted on the 10th of June 2022. The main idea of the event was to get Trucks of only Holland, Danish or Norwegian styles to meet up at a rest stop just outside Klagenfurt Am Woerthersee and cruise to Graz.
The Truck fest went according to plan and was extremely successful with around 60 truckers attending from various Truck clubs and VTC's. We would like to thank you for attending our event. This would not have been possible without our amazing staff aswell as you, Amazing Randale People!
For those who weren't able to attend our Truckfest Weissenstein, you're in luck!
We have another Truckfest, "Truckfest Algeciras", planned on the 15th of July 2022 at 18 UTC. For more information click here - https://truckersmp.com/events/9760-truckfest-algeciras
Thank you for reading
We are Thermo-Liner-Group, a international virtual trucking company & driver-community. Not like other VTCs, we have no restrictions for our Drivers. The most important thing about our mission is the fun and the cohesion.
Its very simple: Check out https://thermo-liner-group.net/apply. Our Management will respond in the next 24 hours.
Please visit our Support-System on our Discord-Server.
( discord.gg/thermo -> #support-and-invite )