Time:July 18待定)(20:30-22:00)(UTC+8)
Server:待定 Rules:
Event Rules:
1.No cars (Only event staff and Media teams can use pilot cars).
2.No beacons (Only event staff can use beacons).
3.No mods (This is to reduce crashes and lags).
4.No overtaking (Event staff can overtake others on roads with a central reservation barrier only).
5.Event staff can block junctions.
6. Event staff and media teams can use the other side of the road.
7.Please listen to instruction from verified Event Staff.
RK VTC Event Team
RK VTC 成立于2019年3月18日,致力于打造全真模拟驾驶体验。目前车队在编人数150人,每日均有大小不同联运活动,并且会不定时组织或参加国际大型车队联运项目。为扩大车队建制,现寻志同道合的欧卡正版全套地图玩家,意者联系QQ群:794614054;联运YY:820378 KOOK服务器ID(开黑啦):60982375 链接 https://kook.rkvtc.cn