This is a small announcement to demonstrate how our monthly Newsletter and TruckersMP might work in the following month.
31 May 2023 04:47 UTC | domonkos101
Welcome to another monthly picture contest! Here's the results of our monthly picture contest for Euro Truck Simulator 2 & American Truck Simulator. The theme of last month is the **Best Daimler and TraTon** truck.
31 May 2023 04:06 UTC | domonkos101
A Virtual Trucking Company that doesn't require any single miles per month but one of the most professional and realistic one out there.
10 May 2023 12:50 UTC | MinhDuy
Since April 14th, 2023, we have changed our logo, branding, livery, etc... to a brand new and refreshed look after 2 years under the regime of the traditional logo.
27 Apr 2023 04:31 UTC | MinhDuy
Something great is coming, it's unlike what we have done in the past.
27 Apr 2023 04:21 UTC | MinhDuy
No DLCs Required