Hello everyone o/
Whats up everyone!!??
Before we head back what we have done in Dec 2023 we would like to wish you all an happy new year! Let's make 2024 better together! Now we can go back to a time long back ago!
Driver of the Month For this month we have a new driver that reached the leader boards. This time it is Sexy-Colindatje that drove a total of 132.740 km's! This month you will wear the Driver Of The Month role ! Congrats with it and maybe we see you again next month!
For the convoys we have our nub Poah-maurice1503 back at it again. He attended 17 convoys for the month. Welcome back for the Driver Of The Month role and maybe we see you back next month! Congrats!
Photo of the Month For this month we have our ETS2 couple Salade van Windmolen & Capt. Zange sitting in a tree winning the Photo of the Month role as they collected both 16 votes from the community ! Congrats to you both!
Longest job of the month Sexy-Colindatje drove an whopping 14.008 km's in one go! This means she also claims the Longest Job Of The Month role! Congrats !