Hey everyone
Last month we asked some of our members and staff some questions about their experiences in Aurora and why it was the VTC they chose to join. In Aurora, we value every person who joins our community and VTC and as such we like to hear their thoughts on what they like and dislike in the VTC so we can continue to grow and improve
Firstly, we asked some of our more recent members who joined Aurora why they decided on Aurora as the VTC they want to be a part of.
Nomad - The atmosphere and overall community as everyone in Aurora has been very welcoming to me and made me feel very comfortable when I first joined.
BN8tion - I always watched bragggaming having fun with you guys and I was looking for a VTC to join and there you guys were so one thing led to another and I decided to join you guys.
Liwai - The community in Aurora and the members who are in Aurora and yeah I've seen you make some convoys and I like that.
At the same time, we asked some of our longer-serving members who have been in Aurora for quite some time why they chose to stay in Aurora because some of these guys have been in Aurora for 2+ years.
Capt. Zange - I never really wanted to join a VTC but after I met Sana, qsr89 and Cevil and hardly any of my other friends had time left, I let Cevil talk me into it. I also wanted to do it for Sana, as she had left us shortly before. And what can I say, I feel at home here with all these crazy people. It's nice to see how active we are as a VTC and often go to convoys with lots of people and we also stick together well. Then there are the weekend rides with Braggo on Sundays and Sarah on Saturdays.
Poah-maurice1503 - The reason that I enjoy it is the people that are in Aurora it's always a fun time during convoys and the chat can be active from time to time too.
Vlad1s - Well I joined Aurora for one specific reason, and that was due to one of the old drivers that left, and then due to Aurora being active during convoys as when I came back to tmp after something like a 3-4 year break, I was looking for something where I could stay for a long term not a short period as some do and once I saw the lovely community, lovely staff, owners and the convoy attendance, I knew this is the place I want to stay in.
TimesTime - There are several reasons for that. After leaving a pretty inactive VTC I was looking for an active one. I saw several people in the TruckersMP Discord that had an Aurora tag, so I decided to join. Now, Aurora is a great little community to be in. The people in the Discord are active, friendly and great to joke around with. The people in this VTC make it stand out. Moreover, I enjoy the exams Aurora offers and the variety of them. Plus the leveling system it has makes you want to complete more and keep driving. Having the roles in Discord makes it feel like an achievement in a way as well, and it makes you want to stay. The events Aurora hosts are also well organized which makes participating in them enjoyable. Especially sitting in the voice channel with the other members, talking and joking around. It forms a bond. The activity requirements also are not too high, making it so it doesn't force you to play the game at all times. Meaning I also don't get tired of the game itself. All this makes Aurora feel more like a family and a great big group of friends.
Secondly I began asking, to anyone who is looking to join Aurora what would they say makes Aurora stand out from the other VTCs that are in the community currently.
Cevil - The community within Aurora makes the difference. No one is standing alone and we act as a family. There are always people driving together with other people and also playing other games together. But where Aurora shines the most is when you have a rough day, there is always someone there for you to listen to your story and help you out through the rough day.
Orchestrion - As opposed to other VTCs, I felt like I'd arrived home, like that was the place I wanted to spend my time in.
Nomad - Relaxed requirements and the fact you're more than just a driver here, everyone makes an effort to interact with you rather than you being left alone to do your own thing wearing a VTC livery.
Vlad1s - For all the new peeps who would love to join Aurora I can say from my point of view that Aurora is different due to some stuff which is like the community is friendly and welcoming to everyone no matter the differences. Our event team is top-notch making sure we have convoys and stuff to do as a VTC and as a team, there is always something happening if there is no convoy people will drive together. And of course, the founders prob one of the most friendly people we could ask for who are there to help you too and even play games with you if they are free.
Finally, I asked people how they would sum up their journey in Aurora so far.
Nomad - Enjoying and having more fun than I have had in a while as it has given me the motivation to get more involved in stuff and start driving again.
TimesTime - After having left my previous VTC and joining Aurora, I wanted to first see if it was a good VTC. So I attended convoys and talked in voice chats and Discord. And I loved it. Two months later I joined the event team and am still in there today. And recently I have joined the HR team as well. And now I can confidently say I will stay with Aurora until the end.
Cevil - My journey is something I would recommend to everyone. It is something you will understand where the journey is about and also experience why Aurora is out there.
Vlad1s - How would I sum up my journey in Aurora, well for me it was a nice rollercoaster with meeting some nice people where I made new friends which we are even outside of TMP, spending time together playing other games or just chilling in voice, then I had a chance to explore behind the scenes of the VTC too as a HR member and event manager which was a great experience and I seen the hard work going into everything but I must say the highlight of my journey in aurora is making new friends and spending time with them.
Capt. Zange - Simply great, always had a lot of fun and met great people
To summarise, it was charming to hear from some of our members on how they enjoy being in Aurora as we always strive to be a place where people feel comfortable and where they can make friends to talk with and play games with and hopfully anyone else who joins the Aurora family can feel the same way