This week I got news that one of our previous staff members and a beloved family member was going to return and it opened a door to potentially promote him to be our next CAO. With that being said, it is a honor to announce that Super has been promoted to be our next Chief Administrative Officer. Super first joined At The Mile Logistics in July 2021. Since he has joined At The Mile Logistics he has been one of the best in being active in our Server and VTC as a beloved driver. He would put miles every month earning him Driver's of the month and also Staff of month awards. He is learning the ropes and I think of us being a small VTC will also help him grow to be a great Leader. When we closed, he moved to our close Partner Movezen Logistiek and he helped them also in the HR Department and was told he was very helpful. Super decided to return to At The Miles Logistics. Our dear and very close friend @Brads331#7328 from Movezen Logistiek will now help us in the Events Department as Events Manager and will also keep helping us in the HR Department alongside with Sean.
Some Accolades of Super in At The Mile Logistics:
Join ATM Logistics in July 2021
Became a Community Moderator
Promoted to Human Resources Staff member
Promoted to Public Relations Director (General Manager)
Promoted to Chief Administrative Officer
We are excited to keep growing and seeing the growth of our friend Super at the same time of being a great Leader in a great VTC.
Thank you, and we will see you all At The Mile
Chief Executive Officer & Founder of At The Mile Logistics