At The Mile Logistics

Going The Distance

Featured Member - Sunny

By chy :)   |   03 Jun 21:58 UTC | Updated on 03 Jun 22:00 UTC

Discord Name: thatguysunny

TMP Name: ThatSunnyGuy

Sunny, who has only been with us since January, has made a name for himself among drivers, and our staff team. He joined our event team the same month, and became a Special Divisions Supervisor for our Hazmat division in April. He has achieved over 650,000 points, which alone is an impressive feat, but it is truly his passion for his staff roles that make Sunny an amazing person to have around!

Question: What games do you like besides trucking?

Usually in my spare time, I like to watch YouTube, play other games, go out with family and spend time with family and friends. I usually try to spend my time without having any anxiety hitting me hard.

Question: What other hobbies do you enjoy?

I love playing games and DND. I play any games (party games, social deduction games, murder games, etc) and willing to try to play anything. I do DND sometimes, I am always on a lookout on a campaigns to join, sometimes I like to look at people's commissions etc.

Question: What do you think about ATM and its community?

I only joined from January so I do not know the full past but I think we are growing pretty good as a VTC. I think we do join events, do division loads and constantly strive to be the best. I think as a community, we just got to keep it up not matter if you are staff or just a plain driver, everyone has a important part in this VTC so we must work together. That being said, Events Team is still recruiting more people if anyone would like to to join. Just apply through DriversHub.

Question: What is your favorite truck in ATS and ETS2, and why?

ETS: For good distance, Scania For good Engine, Volvo

I still would use a Scania as it has been very good to me (hopefully it continues) and I just like Scania. Might go back on Volvo. We will see in the future I guess...

Question: If you're not already one, do you really want to be a trucker? If so, why? If not, why?

I'l be honest, me as a trucker would be a NIGHTMARE. I cannot drive, cannot park I think at some point you might as well ask a baby to do the task than me LMAO. I would love to but it takes time and effort (as well as being a truck driver, you are more prone to be more slower and dangerous)

haulieexcited 2


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Tag: ATM | Driver
Language: English
Created: 29 Oct 2021 12:47 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: Shαdows
Members: 433
Recruitment: Open