Back in March we introduced the Donation System for our drivers and community to support us. During the past months, we have been listening to the feedback we received from our supporters and we understood that the way our system was working was not comfortable for both the supporters and us.
Because of that we decided to look for a solution and came up with the idea of moving to Patreon. That way, people who want to support us will have more ways to donate and are not limited to needing to have a PayPal account.
With the move to Patreon, we decided to rework the tiers there are for our supporters and the perks they offer. Instead of 4 tiers, there are 3 now. If you are interested in what the new perks are, or already know that you want to support us, check out our Patreon page.
We would like to thank all of our Patrons that help us to achieve a monthly goal to keep our services online, our TFM ad on air and give us an ability to host public/private giveaways as well as reward our drivers.