GPRO Trucking

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📌 GPRO Update 1.0 | GPRO Trucking's New Website and DriverHub.

By Extreme`   |   08 Oct 2023 19:18 UTC | Updated on 08 Oct 2023 19:22 UTC

Hello community, how's it going?

For the past few months, we, the GPRO board, have been hard at work on a new phase of our company. We understand that sticking to the same old routine can get dull, and it's always essential to seek innovations.

With that in mind, after many months of effort, we're thrilled to announce two exciting updates for you: our brand-new website and our amazing DriverHub.

Our new website is now completely aligned with GPRO's identity and comes with numerous improvements. We now have a dedicated section for our partners and those interested in joining the GPRO partner family. Many other exciting features are on the horizon for our website, and we'll be unveiling them to all of you soon.

One of the significant developments for our company is the DriverHub. It's been designed to make life easier for all of us who play together. It features a fully integrated Event System, Ranking System, Division, Custom Banners, Integrated Recruitment, and much more.

The DriverHub was created to streamline various tasks, benefiting both our VTC administration team and our dedicated drivers. With this tool, operations management, event coordination, and communication will be easier than ever before.

We're thrilled to be able to offer all of this to our members and look forward to continuously bringing innovations to our community.

Stay tuned to this channel because we'll soon be announcing updates regarding our website, DriverHub, and most importantly, changes to our VTC.


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Language: Portuguese
Created: 30 Dec 2021 17:32 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: Extreme`
Members: 368
Recruitment: Open