-XīngChénGodv Public ➡ Drivers
-I2day Public âž¡ Drivers
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-User_900270 Public âž¡ Drivers
-Donald Archie Public âž¡ Drivers
-Mr.Ma_TMP Public âž¡ Drivers
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-Cute Miss Gloria Public âž¡ Drivers
-Austin1203 Drivers âž¡ HR Manager
To incentivise our drivers we run a Driver of the Month competition Come and find out who is November's Driver of the Month!
Driver of the Month | Jobs
No1.-Xiao Gua • Driven Distance:38,847KM No2.-Resound • Driven Distance:36,202KM No3.-Lao.A • Driven Distance:29,565KM
Driver of the Month | Events
No1.-Resound • Convoy attended: 5 | No2.-John Boky • Convoy attended: 4| No3.-Honl • Convoy attended: 4
In November, we participated in a number of logistics-related events to expand our business scope, increase industry communication and raise our company's image and visibility.
November VTC Tota Convoy:7
We hope that we can continue to work hard and achieve better results in December. Thank you to all our staff and drivers for their hard work and effort!