旭日物流的中國分部正在籌備中 | Rising Sun Logistics China Branch is Under Preparation
27 Jul 09:56 UTC | A-Liang
29 Jun 14:00 UTC | Wei_Yu~TORO[TW]
◉ 車聚時請不要超車
◉ 車聚時請掛上車隊TAB
◉ 車聚時請與前車保持距離
◉ 車聚時請遵守高層指示
◉ 車聚時請不要毀損RSL名譽
◉ 請遵守TruckersMP之規則
◉ 不要開外掛或修改器(扭力也禁止)
◉ 車聚時禁止使用疊燈和爆閃車
Event Guidelines:
◉ Do not overtake during convoys.
◉ Display team TAB during convoys.
◉ Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front during convoys.
◉ Follow instructions from senior members during convoys.
◉ Do not damage RSL’s reputation during convoys.
◉ Adhere to TruckersMP rules.
◉ Do not use hacks or modifications (torque modification is also prohibited).
◉ Flashing lights and strobe vehicles are not allowed during convoys.
◉ If you fall behind, stay at the back without cutting into other teams.
◉ Do not use rotating beacons.
◉ Avoid sudden braking.
◉ Notify the lead vehicle if you are unable to keep up.