Take part in this convoy for the company's 1 year anniversary. Have a nice evening and a relaxing tour of TMP. Nehmt an diesem Konvoi zum 1-jรคhrigen Firmenjubilรคum teil. Habt einen schรถnen Abend und eine entspannende Tour durch TMP.
25 Mar 17:10 UTC | falke19
Die Taurus Transporte suchen neue Leute fรผr das Community Team auf unserem Discord wenn ihr lust habt kommt gerne drauf : https://discord.gg/KbbFF3y8aT Taurus Transporte is looking for new people for the community team on our Discord. If you're interested, come on: https://discord.gg/KbbFF3y8aT
25 Mar 16:00 UTC | V8 Matrix /:\ Markus[AUT]
Wir mรถchten danke sagen zu unseren ganzen Fahrern der Taurus Transporte wir kรถnnen ab heute sagen das wir eine tolle und gut aufbauende Spedition sind mit blick in die Zukunft. We would like to say thank you to all of our drivers at Taurus Transporte. As of today, we can say that we are a great and well-developed forwarding company with a view to the future.
25 Mar 17:40 UTC | V8 Matrix /:\ Markus[AUT]
Was ist eine Fahrer Statistik ? Und genau das will ich erklรคren und zwar haben wir Sped V und viele Fahrer die es nutzen somit machen wir analysen รผber unsere fahrer da wir sehen was fรผr Auftrรคge sie fahren und wie viel Geld und Kilometer sie einbringen !
25 Mar 17:44 UTC | V8 Matrix /:\ Markus[AUT]
Guten Tag von denn Taurus Transporten wir wollen euch heute unser VTC Team vorstellen es ist sehr abwechslungsreich da es aus vielen Lรคndern besteht! Hello from Taurus Transporten, we would like to introduce you to our VTC team today, it is very varied as it consists of many countries!
25 Mar 17:50 UTC | V8 Matrix /:\ Markus[AUT]
No insults: Insults and aggressive behavior in chat are prohibited. The rules in ยง1.3 apply.
Spamming: Spamming is not allowed in the chat.
Content not suitable for minors: No content not suitable for minors may be shared in the chat.
Compliance with the road traffic regulations: All existing rules of the road traffic regulations (StVO) must be observed.
Speed โโlimit: Discussions about the speed limit of 90 km/h are undesirable. Exceptions can be approved by moderators, then a maximum of 100 km/h applies.
U-turns: U-turns are only permitted in designated places.
Driving safety: Only drive when there is no danger to others.
Red lights: Red lights may be driven through if no one is endangered and the traffic light serves no purpose.
Minimum distance: A minimum distance of 100 meters between vehicles must be maintained.
Use of the company name and design: The player tag "Taurus Transporte" and the company's own paintwork are mandatory.
Maximum number of bans: Three bans are the maximum limit; if there are further violations, the driver must leave the transport company.
Following instructions: Instructions from the management team must be strictly followed.
Trailer restrictions: Trips in SpedV are only permitted with a single trailer or double combination. HCT trips are at your own risk.
No DLCs Required