Following consultations with Verified VTCs and other stakeholders changes to the event date restrictions have been introduced.
From the 1st of February 2025, you can no longer create events more than 6 months in advance.
All events that were scheduled after December 2025 have been reverted to draft and will need to be republished at a later date.
我们成立于2024年5月24日,我们是由Hunting Group扶植建立的车队政权,我们致力于发展欧卡最大的干人组织。
Leader Logistics
Our headquarters:Hunting Group
We were founded on May 24, 2024, as a fleet government supported by Hunting Group. We are committed to developing the largest human organization in Oka.
We are also a professional and powerful escort team. We are extremely professional in intermodal escort and event escort, and we have specialized management to manage the team. As a professional team of people, we will, like our name suggests, hunt target teams and completely tear apart our goals.
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