Following consultations with Verified VTCs and other stakeholders changes to the event date restrictions have been introduced.
From the 1st of February 2025, you can no longer create events more than 6 months in advance.
All events that were scheduled after December 2025 have been reverted to draft and will need to be republished at a later date.
本车队正式建立于2023年11月20日 四海之内皆兄弟,九州方圆皆一家;秉承着自由与快乐,简单与放松,团结与包容;这将会永远是我们的宗旨
The team was officially established on November 20, 2023
All brothers in the four seas, all friends in Kyushu; Adhering to freedom and happiness, simplicity and relaxation, unity and tolerance; This will always be our purpose
How to contact us: