Solaris Logistics

Delivering New Horizons

The Grand Opening

By Anthony   |   07 Feb 12:00 UTC | Updated on 14 Feb 15:02 UTC

There is something new on the Horizon

Hello @everyone, my name is Anthony and I am the Chief Executive Officer here at Solaris Logistics. Me, effinghamjnr (Chief Operations Officer) & refloix (External Media Executive) have been working around the clock over the last week in order to see something I thought up one night come together into the VTC you see today. We have already achieved so much and we can only hope to grow our organisation into somewhere where everyone is welcome and where we are a known name within the TruckersMP World. Which brings me on to the next part…

I am thrilled to announce that Applications for New Drivers will be opening on Wednesday the 14th of February!, Exactly 1 week from today! We have almost completed the VTC side for our New VTC Driver's to experience and we cannot wait to see where this takes us. If you wish to be part of a Brand New VTC with experience leading the way, then look no further, we are the VTC for you. Whether you be someone who is just a casual gamer, looking to play with a group of people to chill, chat and truck with, or a hardcore simulation truckers, who prefer the realistic approach, we have something for everyone as you will be part of the community at the beating heart of our journey.

Feel free to share this news with your friends and anyone who may be interested in joining a new VTC and starting their trucking career with a professional, experienced and super friendly company, Solaris Logistics. Our Discord link is

Additionally, we are on the look-out for certain members of staff to help shape and guide Solaris into the next step of its future. If you have the passion and innovation to work in an ever evolving team in order to achieve its goals for the Drivers and Community we work for, then I would like to hear from you. (Check the #staff-list to see how you can help out!)

Thank you all for being here, it means a lot to see you all in the Discord Server, supporting this new venture, wherever it may take us. Without You, there is no Us.

Delivering New Horizons.

Chief Executive Officer
Solaris Logistics


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Tag: Solaris Logistics
Language: English
Created: 31 Jan 19:54 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: effinghamjnr
Members: 5
Recruitment: Closed