Hello and Welcome To TM TRANSPORT. We are pleased to have you joining our VTC Company based in South Africa. We are passionate into developing positive minds and attitudes. We care and also are passionate to see you excelling in what you got to do as a VTC Driver!
TM TRANSPORTA'S article for 2024/2025
| 16 Dec 2024 15:41 UTC | gamingtv1011
The long-awaited day has come.TM TRANSPORTA is finally hosting their first public convoy and invites all supporters and vtc members to come help make the day memorable with us!!!
| 16 Dec 2024 15:13 UTC | gamingtv1011
TM Transporta, a virtual trucking company that has been operational for only six months, has quickly established itself as the third-largest player in South Africa’s virtual trucking sector. This rapid ascent can be attributed to several factors including effective management, strategic recruitment of drivers, and possibly a strong marketing strategy.
| 08 Sep 2024 13:20 UTC | maribe_MJ
TM Transporta, a prominent Virtual Trucking Company (VTC) on Trucksbook and TruckersMP, has been making waves in the virtual trucking scene. With a strong focus on community building and realistic trucking experiences, TM Transporta has attracted a loyal following of virtual truckers.
| 05 Sep 2024 02:07 UTC | maribe_MJ
IN AN OUT CARRIERS invites TM TRANSPORTA to a convoy once more on TMP
| 25 Jul 2024 11:16 UTC | gamingtv1011
Our Rules Are Simple
PASSION - Players must be passionate and competitive about the game.
CONDUCT - Respect and Maturity is a must.
TARGET KILOMETRES - Every member of the VTC must reach a monthly target of 30 000km.
SPEED - Maximum speed is 99km/h with a 0km/h tolerance (Compulsory)
INACTIVITY - It is the players sole responsibility to notify management of your inactivity.
AVATAR - Compulsory on TrucksBook, Trucky, and TMP.
COMPANY TRUCK - Company truck will be provided upon joining the VTC.
COMPANY SKIN - Compulsory on company convoy.
PLAYER TAG - Compulsory on TMP. (Using The Tag TM TRANS)
COMPANY NEWS/UPDATES - Members must know how TrucksBook and TMP website function and to make sure that they are up to date with VTC updates by checking at least 3 times a week on these websites.
MICROPHONE - Make sure you have a working microphone to communicate with on Discord.
DISCORD - Discord is Compulsory for communication especially when playing in multiplayer.
RACE - Race Stats (driving over a speed of 100kph) will not be tolerated and as such they need to be replaced with Real Stats (Driving less than a speed of 100kph)
TRAFFIC - You must drive according to the traffic regulation rules especially on multiplayer.
Starting 9 hours from now
Event Server
189 8 46
AT THE MOMENT,.. Our Company is still new and still has to grow. We need just a few requirements from you.
No DLCs Required