Max Logistics | Transport - Distribution - Warehousing
Max Logistics, Recruitment Information.
Max Logistics is always open to recruiting new members, however, we will be accepting people through the TruckersMP application system, after all we don't have a DriversHub.
What is your Discord name?
What is your Date of Birth? You must be at least 14 years old (Born on or before November 2, 2008).
Do you have a functioning microphone?
Tell us about yourself. What are your hobbies and interests?
What is your purpose in applying for this position? Why do you wish to join Max Logistics?
Why should we accept you over someone else?
If we we're to accept you, what would you bring to the VTC?
What was your reason(s) behind you leaving your previous VTC?
Is there something that may hinder your chances?
We hope you are successful with your application and are excited to see you in the Discord as this is where the buzz of the VTC is!