This is a small introduction about who are we.
Mr. Green Trucking is VTC belongs to mrgreengaming! We exist since 2006. We decided to make our own VTC in ATS and ETS2 and offer something different and unique than other VTCs. We are currently working and improving our VTC.
Cena have created this VTC on 15-5-2017. We had our good times and bad. You can always check our forums and discord as well to get the latest updates!. I will post links below. If you think you can contribute and help us improve. Then just contact Cena in either discord or our forums! I will be posting more updates in the near future!
Forums: Discord:
Hello and welcome to Mr. Green Trucking. I will start with a little information about ourselves. Mr. Green Trucking is a new company which have been made on 15-5-2017. The main purpose of it is to let friends drive together and we will have official weekly convoys in the near future and many more events. We have made few convoys so far, but we are looking into making more. We have our "Discord server" and our "Virtual Trucking Manager" (VTM) company made there, but we are willing to change this and make our own logs to be submitted. Also we are connected to the original Mr. Green steam group and we will be using as our forums.