Hey there!
At June 1st I joined the Development Team. It then was my job to edit and improve our Website.
Due to some bugs on the Website and some other problems, it would've taken longer to fix the website. I then decided to develop a new website.
While developing the new Website, I took the old Website as Template. I didn't want to change that much in how the Website looks, because it looked pretty good. I then made some fixes and improvements in the code. Some Bugs that have been fixed were the navbar that didn't work properly on mobile phones and also a bug in the gallery, that prevented pictures from being enlarged when clicked. I changed the way the Pages on the website are loaded, re-named some links and improved the way, content is shown on the website.
In the future it's my plan to keep updating the website, keep improving it and so on... :P
Join our Discord (https://piratevtc.com/discord) and let us know what you think about the Website. Also, if you may have suggestions or find a bug, please let us know there!
See 'ya on the roads!
SpoonyUK / Pirate Logistics Development Manager & Community Manager