Managing the progression, development and operation of the project, determining what’s next for TruckersMP.
Responsible for developing exciting new in-game features, fixing bugs, and improving your game experience.
Keeping everyone connected, working behind the scenes to keep our servers and other TruckersMP services online.
Responsible for creating advanced new systems on the website, fixing bugs and making our website easy to use.
The direction of the project is something that these people focus on!
The main thing to ask is... What new things do we expect to see in the future?
The direction of the project is something that these people focus on!
The main thing to ask is... What new things do we expect to see in the future?
Business Analysts use data to monitor and report insights, provide data-driven recommendations, and investigate and develop business solutions.
The Senior Community Manager provides strategic direction to and coordinates the Community Managers, and the Community Moderation, Translation and Media teams.
Coordinating Game Moderation Management to ensure a high level of consistency and professionalism across our in-game platform, and working to improve our game rules.
Coordinating Event Management to ensure all official events are organised, carried out and reviewed to a high standard, and ensuring efficiency across all operations.
Ensuring the community is always connected to the staff by talking to you on social media, planning campaigns to improve your experience, and moderating website systems.
Managing our Community Moderation teams to ensure our Discord, forum and Twitch rules are followed, and working to improve the efficiency of our moderators.
Ensuring that all game punishments are fair, moderators are replying to you in a professional and unbiased manner and working to improve the game moderation workflows.
Ensuring that our support staff are giving clear, quick and understandable responses to your problems, and working to make helpful information as accessible as possible.
Supervising and contributing to the creation of official assets such as vehicles, skins and accessories to ensure everything is to a high standard and released bug-free.
Responsible for preparing, carrying out and reviewing all official events with the Event Team to deliver you a smooth and organised experience, each time better than the last.
Responsible for planning and supervising the creation of all TruckersMP media, such as in-game photos and recaps, new graphics, logos, blog post headers and more.
Responsible for issuing translations tasks, ensuring all translations are of a high quality and making sure that all translated content is easily accessible.
Helping create new systems on the website, fix bugs and make our website easy to use.
Leading our teams of Game Moderators to make sure your reports and appeals are reviewed professionally and quickly, and providing one-to-one coaching to always improve our moderators.
Responsible for training our Game Moderation Trainees by passing on their knowledge, so they will be ready to start moderating your reports and game servers.
Ensuring the rules are followed on our game servers by kicking, banning and teleporting those who break the rules, and making sure your experience in-game is free from trolls and rule breakers.
Dealing with your reports on the website to ensure rule breakers are banned.
Leading and overseeing teams of Supporters, ensuring we maintain high quality standards and working closely together with Support Management to ensure the best possible help for our users.
Responsible for answering your questions, helping you fix technical problems and assisting with anything else TruckersMP related.
Future Support members who’ve finished their training and are starting to get into the role, experiencing the processes and systems learnt in their training first hand.
The newest members of our Support Team, working with Support Managers and learning how to help you when you come with a question or technical problem.
Overseeing the training and performance of Community Moderators, providing feedback and coaching to improve work, and working with managers to keep the community moderation efficient.
Divided into Discord, Forum and Stream Moderator, these people are responsible for the moderation of our out-of-game community platforms to ensure everyone feels welcome and safe.
The new faces in our Community Moderation team, learning our workflows and processes in order to moderate correctly and professionally on their respective platform.
Hello, Witaj, Merhaba, Hallo, Hola, Salut! Language experts, Translators work tirelessly to bring you as much content as possible in various languages, so even more people can experience TruckersMP.
Responsible for creating official modifications for TruckersMP such as map edits, skins, accessories and vehicles.
Creating high-quality photos, videos, graphics, animations and banners for use across TruckersMP to promote and advertise the project.
Streaming on the official Twitch channel to provide entertaining content for you, and answering any questions you might have while watching.
Planning and organising events by preparing routes, and saves to ensure that convoys, Real Operations, and more special events are running smoothly.
Helping to execute official events such as our convoys, Real Operations, Tournaments, and more by giving directions and instructions to help the event run smoothly.
Test coordinators manage our Testing Team and ensure that each product works as intended before it’s launched. This may include overseeing quality assurance testing, beta testing, and other forms of testing.
Testing new content to ensure everything is working as intended! From website features to new map changes - they do it all!
Automation is key!
Invulnerable, immortal and always working. We are what you would only dream to be.