Hurry Software Development
represented by owner Michał Wójtowicz
VAT-EU: PL8992861292
Address: Wolbromska 18/1B, 53-148 Wrocław, Poland
Contact: [email protected], +31648077509
This policy explains what, how and why we collect certain information when accessing and using services provided by TruckersMP. It also explains how we use and disclose information. We do not sell or otherwise share email addresses with third parties unless otherwise specified.
When we say "we", "us", "the team", "ETS2MP" or "ATSMP" we are referring to "TruckersMP". When we say "you", "player" or "member" we are referring to the registrant on any of our services.
We create and manage a gaming platform for SCS Software's (from here on known as "SCS") games "Euro Truck Simulator 2" (ETS2) and "American Truck Simulator" (ATS) to let you interact with other members in a massively multiplayer online (MMO) fashion.
TruckersMP is not in any shape or form affiliated with SCS Software.
If there are any changes to this policy we will post them on our website. Any changes will be effective from the date they are posted. Changes will not affect any information we have already collected about you. If you do not agree to our changes you will have to terminate all use of our software and contact support to deactivate your account or delete it yourself.
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact support, the feedback section or post on our forums.
When you register, you provide information such as your username, email address, and attach a Discord account and Steam account to your TruckersMP account where we then will also collect ownership information of ATS and ETS2 and owned DLCs of each game, if you contact support, all information you share there are also collected. By providing this information, you agree to their use according to this privacy policy and our Terms of Use.
We may get information about how and when you use the service. This information may include your IP address, time, date, browser used, game used, chat messages, and personal messages.
Each time you connect to our servers, we collect technical data such as your device and network details and store them.
What do we use this data for?
This technical data is used to determine if a user is using methods or tools to work around rules and the Terms of Service, server settings, or game physics. This information is stored with limited access.
How long do we store this data?
We store technical data for 3 months.
While playing on our game servers your interactions are logged in chat and spawn logs.
What do we use this data for?
We use this data together with data gathered from gameplay (2.2.1 Information from gameplay) for bug fixing and bug detecting as well as detecting and taking measures against abuse of the systems (chat, spamming, etc.).
How long do we store this data?
Chat and spawn logs are stored for 3 months.
We use Sentry (see to help us analyze user sessions and program crashes. If you consent to report a crash, we collect and process other data to help us analyze the situation, such as profile details, technical parameters of your device, your operating system, software information, game and client logs, and a program mini dump.
If your system user is named after you, we are also storing your name. Example: C:\Users\MYNAME
What do we use this data for?
This data is used to determine crash-free percentage of new releases, to detect performance weaknesses, and to analyze program crashes.
How long do we store this data?
Our Sentry instance stores data for 30 days to allow continued investigation on complex issues.
When submitting a support ticket we store the ticket information as well as user and technical data.
What do we use this data for?
Everything we collect from support tickets is used to resolve the issue presented in the ticket.
How long do we store this data?
Data from support tickets is stored for 14 days after the closure of the ticket.
When consulting and reviewing a knowledge base article we collect statistical as well as user data.
Accessing articles
What do we use this data for?
We use the data collected from accessing knowledge base articles for statistical purposes.
How long do we store this data?
Data collected from accessing knowledge base articles is stored indefinite. When the user deletes his/her account, the data is anonymised.
Reviews of articles
What do we use this data for?
Data collected from reviewing knowledge base articles is used for statistical purposes and to improve articles.
How long do we store this data?
Data collected from reviewing knowledge base articles is removed when the user deletes his/her account.
When creating a report we store user data of the reporter and incident data, data of the moderator as well as all comments and changes made by the reporting user and moderator.
User data of the reporter
Incident data
Moderation data
What do we use this data for?
Data collected from reports is used to review the report and take appropriate action as well as scoring the validity and quality of the report by the moderator. Next to that, the data is being used by managers to monitor moderator actions and performance.
How long do we store this data?
Any data collected from reports is stored indefinite. When a user (reporter, reported user or moderator) deletes his/her account, this specific data is anonymised.
When creating a ban appeal, we store user data, moderation data, and all comments and changes made by the user and moderator.
User data
Moderation data
What do we use this data for?
Data collected in ban appeals is used to review the ban and for the moderator to take a decision on the ban. Next to that it is used by managers to review the moderator’s actions and performance.
How long do we store this data?
Data from appeals is stored indefinite. When a user deletes his/her account, the related data is anonymised.
When creating a request for an event server, we collect user data, event data, and manager data as well as all comments and changes made by the user and managers.
User data
Event data
Manager data
What do we use this data for?
Data collected from event requests is used to determine if an event server is warranted for the case at hand based on the information provided. Next to that, it is also used to monitor the system for possible abuse and monitor server usage.
How long do we store this data?
Data from event requests is stored indefinite. Once a user deletes his/her account, the related user data will be anonymised.
When submitting a feedback ticket we store user data, feedback data, manager data as well as all comments and changes made by the user and manager.
User data
Feedback data
Manager data
What do we use this data for?
Data collected from feedback tickets is used to review the ticket, react to the ticket, and take action when needed.
How long do we store this data?
Data collected from feedback tickets is stored until the user deletes his/her account after which all data from the ticket is removed. When a manager connected to the ticket removes his/her account, the user data related to the manager is anonymised.
When a ban is applied on an account, we store user data, moderator data, and ban data.
User data
Moderator data
Ban data
If the infraction occurred on a game server after 23rd November 2018, a 2-minute game demo is stored together with chat and server logs dating back 15 minutes prior to the infraction.
What do we use this data for?
Ban data is used to manage and evaluate infractions against established rules, policies, and terms of service.
How long do we store this data?
Ban data is stored indefinite as this is critical data needed to run and manage our servers. In case the moderator deletes his/her account, the related user data of the moderator is anonymised.
When a user creates a Virtual Trucking Company (VTC, more information on what a VTC is can be found here), we store VTC information, VTC gallery information, VTC blacklist information, VTC recruitment information, and VTC event information.
VTC information
VTC gallery information
VTC blacklist
VTC recruitment information
When an applicant creates an application form in order to join a VTC, we store all information entered in the form as well as all comments and changes made by the applicant and VTC member dealing with the application. The information consists of the following:
VTC event information
What do we use this data for?
We use this data to manage and display VTCs and allow owners and trusted users of a VTC to manage and promote their virtual company.
How long do we store this data?
VTC information is stored until the owner disbands the company after which all data is automatically removed. If a user leaves the VTC, then their information will be removed from the VTC data.
When a user submits an application form for a position in the TruckersMP team, we store user data, manager data, application information as well as all comments and changes made by the user and manager dealing with the application. These questions include but are not limited to the age of the user in question and various questions to determine the user's fitness to execute the job at hand.
User information
Application information
Manager information
What do we use this data for?
This data is used to manage the submitted application and determine if the user is fit to execute the tasks related to the role being applied for. The user ID of the applicant is also used to display all related data of the user to the manager handling the application. This includes but is not limited to all other applications of the user, all created feedback tickets of the user, all reports created by the user, all bans issued to the user, all ban appeals of the user, all name changes of the user and all profile information provided by the user.
How long do we store this data?
All submitted application forms are stored indefinitely until the user deletes his/her account. When the manager dealing with the application deletes his/her account, the related information is anonymised.
When creating a forum account and using the forum we store user and usage data as well as synchronising information between the website and forum in order to link accounts.
User information
Forum usage information
What do we use this information for?
This information is used to display forum discussions, forum profile of the user, sending notifications (when enabled), and moderation of the forum to maintain the rules and policies set out on the forum. IP and device information is used to ensure the security of your account.
How long do we store this data?
All data stored from forum usage (topics, comments,...) is stored indefinitely in order to keep the flow of discussions. When a user removes his/her profile, the related user data is removed and all content (topics, comments,...) created by the user is unlinked from the user profile and anonymised.
When a Community contributor submits his/her details we store user information as well as contributor information.
User information
Contributor information
What do we use this information for?
This information is used to display and manage Community contributors.
How long do we store this data?
This information is stored indefinite. Once the user removes his/her profile or has the contributor status revoked this information is removed.
When a user submits an event through our event system we store event information, organiser information, and attendance information as well as all changes made by event organisers and attendees.
Event information
Organiser information
Attendance information
What do we use this information for?
We use this data to display, manage and promote events created by users.
How long do we store this data?
Events are stored indefinite until the organiser deletes his/her TruckersMP account after which all events created by that account are removed. When an attendee removes his/her attendance to the event, the related personal data of that specific user is removed from the event. When an attendee deletes his/her TruckersMP account the account data related to attended events by that user is also removed.
When a user activates a workflow we store workflow information, user information and manager information as well as all changes, comments made by users and managers , and notes added by managers.
User information
Manager information
Workflow information
What do we use this information for?
Information from workflows is used to create, manage and process workflows.
How long do we store this data?
Data from workflows is stored indefinite. When a user removes his/her TruckersMP account the related account data of that user is anonymised.
When a user replies to a poll or survey we store user data, submission data as well as technical data.
User data
Technical data
Submission data
What do we use this information for?
This information is used to get insight from the community on future decisions as well as the measure the community's opinion on certain topics so that we can improve certain aspects of our platforms or way of working.
How long do we store this data?
Data from surveys and polls is stored indefinite. When a user removes his/her TruckersMP account the related data of that user is removed.
Whenever a user plays on one of our servers we store activity data of that user. This includes, but is not limited to vehicle data, job data, user data, gameplay events, and other statistical data. Whenever the user chooses to opt out of this, the data is no longer stored.
User data
Vehicle data
Statistical data
What do we use this information for?
We use this information for statistical purposes and define areas for further development of the mod.
How long do we store this data?
This data is stored indefinite until the user chooses to delete his/her profile, opts out of the function or chooses to delete certain jobs from his/her profile.
We use cookies (small strings stored on your computer by your browser) to enhance the experience of our website, our service cannot function without them. You can customize your cookie preferences via the Consent Manager. If you do not want any cookies at all, please discontinue all use of TruckersMP's services.
We have third party measurements done to monitor the performance of our website, they gather browser information such as brand and version, as well as the operating system version, they also get your IP address. This information is stored and processed within the United States of America (USA). These third parties are Cloudflare, Google Analytics and Sentry.
You can find their respective Privacy Policies here:
By linking your Patreon account to your profile on our website, you grant us access to specific data gathered by Patreon. The data we get from Patreon and use on our website are the following:
For more information regarding the above, can be found here:
In the site settings, you will find an option to hide your Patreon information. This will hide your name from the Wall of Fame, as well as the box on your profile. Minimal information will remain visible for Development and Project Management only.
You can unlink your Patreon account in the TruckersMP account settings. Please note, unlinking your account will also remove your rewards that you obtained by pledging for a certain tier.
Unlinking your account will remove you from our Wall of Fame, as well as removing the Patreon section on your TruckersMP profile. No information will be visible for Development and Project Management either.
What do we use this data for?
Data gathered from Patreon is used to display the pledge information (current and past) and award the corresponding rewards.
How long do we store this data?
Data gathered from Patreon is stored as long as the Patreon account is linked. Once the user removes the link with Patreon in the settings, the data is removed.
We only disclose the username, registration date, promotions (i.e. becoming a part of the team), and punishments received in-game. In addition, we show information you enter when editing your profile, such as your profile bio, links to other social media, et cetera.
You may export the data we have about you in our systems, by going to your account settings and clicking the "Account Settings" tab. This dump includes, but is not limited to, your account information, account editing logs, feedback tickets, bans, reports, appeals, and similar.
A step-by-step guide to create a data export can be found here.
Please note the following: We will not disclose any information that will expose internal company secrets such as logs generated from cheat and ban evasion detection algorithms. To protect our legitimate interests, when requesting the erasure or the restriction of processing of your personal data, we will implement measures to prevent you from accessing the game, which includes continued storage of data required to do so.
By using request chat commands in-game related with TruckersFM, such as /tfm-request
, /tfm-shoutout
, and /tfm-traffic
, you grant us approval to share specific data with the TruckersFM service. Those are the following:
For more information regarding storage and usage of the data mentioned above, can be found here:
We do not store these pieces of information on our side. Therefore, they cannot be found anywhere in the data export except chat logs. Storing those is discussed in the rest of our privacy policy.
We share user data with third parties to consult publicly available profile data for use in their connected applications related to the TruckersMP project. This information includes profile information, basic ban information, game information, Virtual Trucking Company information (VTC, more information on what a VTC is can be found here), Patreon information and event information.
Profile information
Basic ban information
Game information
Patreon information
Event information
Only public events (visibility set to public) are shared.
VTC information
If the user is not in a VTC, nothing is shared. If the user is in a VTC, the VTC data is shared as set up by the VTC owner.
All information needed to run, manage and moderate the service as described in 2. What we collect is provided towards members of the TruckersMP staff as required for their respective roles. This includes, but is not limited to Steam ID, owned games, owned DLCs, Discord snowflake, etc.
We may also provide information to law enforcement if so required by law and a court order is provided, or in cases where you decide to go public on our forums, we may disclose information provided to in e.g. a ban appeal or web report.
Nobody is safe from hackers, if a security breach causes unauthorized access that may put your information at risks, such as email address and password, we will notify you as soon as we can via our website, forums, and/or email depending on severity of the breach.
TruckersMP stores your passwords in a hashed form (one-way cryptographical function) and employs strong access control to access our servers. Access to all systems is granted on a need-to-have basis.
All live data is stored within the European Union. Copies of live data may be used during development in any jurisdiction where TruckersMP Developers are located (including, but not limited to, United States of America and EFTA).
Data controller of TruckersMP service is: Hurry Software Development, VAT-EU: PL8992861292, Address: Wolbromska 18/1B, 53-148 Wrocław, Poland. Contact: [email protected]