How to create a VTC

Last update: 10 Nov 2020 18:58 UTC
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Hello Truckers!

Do you want to make your own VTC but don't know how?

Don't worry, we'll walk you through. It's quick and simple! Have a look.

Accessing the VTC system

  • Looking at the page header you can see a new option called VTC, click on it.

VTC Button

Accessing the creation page

  • Click on the button "Create a VTC".

Create a VTC

Technical information

  • First of all, fill out the basic information of the VTC, such as name, slogan, tag, etc...

Step 1

Profile appearance

  • Now we'll take care of the visual appearance of the VTC, by choosing the profile picture and a header for it.

Step 2

It is required to have a profile logo, if you do not have a header image, do not worry, you can use the default one.

Information, rules and requirements

  • This is the part where we should write the most important information, such as: Who’s in your company? What do you do to keep it working well? What requirements do people need to join your company? and much more!

Information, Rules and Requirements

Social media

  • This is the section for all your social media outlets, such as Discord, Twitter and Facebook!

Supported games

  • What games does your VTC support? Choose here which simulators you use to have fun with your VTC!

Related Games

Notifications and privacy

  • This is your area to personalize, you can turn notifications on, and also display your members to the public. You can configure this how you like!

Notifications and members

Confirmation and creation

  • We are almost there. You will need to confirm that you have read the rules as well as confirm the creation of your VTC.

Accept rules and create

Congratulations! Now you have your own VTC. Good luck, and don't forget to stay tuned at new applications!

Best Regards,

TruckersMP Team



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