Greetings! Every year, the TruckersMP community comes together like a family to celebrate an important holiday... Christmas! It has become a well-known tradition in the community for hundreds of players and staff to attend a massive 12-hour convoy.
We are excited to confirm that this event will be returning once again for Christmas 2020. However, this year we are planning to take last year's event to a different level!
For the last couple of months, we have been working with an incredible charitable organisation, to make this event truly special...
The RSPCA or the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been looking out for animals since 1824 and they've been campaigning for changes in legislation to improve animal welfare and rescuing animals that are being neglected or are in need.
Their vision is to live in a world where all animals are respected and treated with compassion.
During the Christmas period many animals are given as presents without the thought for the care they will require and some will be left to survive in horrendous condtions. Last Christmas more than 2500 animals were taken into their care by rescuers working every day (inlcuding Christmas Day).
On behalf of the RSPCA, we are reaching out to you, the players, to help an animal in need this Christmas. If you are able to support us, please consider donating.
Our official fundraising page is
We will be accepting donations from the page above only. All funds go directly to RSPCA.
As a thank you to anyone who donates, we will be adding a 'RSPCA Supporter' Award to your profile. To receive it, simply contact us via Feedback, selecting the Event Management category. In your message include a screenshot of your donation confirmation to help us ensure you get your badge promptly.
Donations made during the Christmas Convoy event will be announced across the whole server!
Our Christmas Convoy will be on Saturday 19 December 2020, starting from 09:00 UTC, and finishing 12 hours later at 21:00 UTC!
Specifically, we will be driving for 2 hours per route, with a 30-minute break prior to the next routes departure. With 3 hours in the middle for a break and to enjoy a brand new specially created event location including: a race circuit, drag strip and event challenges not seen before on TruckersMP!
There are 4 routes in total, travelling 2000 miles across France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom and more.
To see when each convoy starts in your timezone, check out our Timezone Converter link.
To help us raise awareness of the RSPCA and the incredible work they do, we have created a unique RSPCA trailer paint! This will be added to TruckersMP closer to the event date, and available to purchase for any of your non-DLC box trailers.
We urge you to use this during the convoy to show your support.
From everyone at TruckersMP and the RSPCA, we wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hope to see you at the convoy with us!
Additional Event Details:
Server: Christmas Convoy
-TruckersMP Team
Have you seen our helpful guide about our managed highways? Check out the useful article here!
Never drive under a red X!