Greetings, truckers!
Our first Official Convoy of 2021 has been scheduled and you're all invited! For January, we're heading to American Truck Simulator!
For this month, we'll be heading down the adventurous roads of New Mexico heading to Raton which we should see some beautiful views.
So, ready to get trucking again? Join us on the 17th January 2021 at 18:00 UTC Alternative Timezones
Starting our journey in Las Vegas, we'll be travelling the roads of which has some scenic roads heading towards Grand Canyon Village and arriving eventually in Raton!
The convoy duration though will be around 90 minutes, possibly a bit more if you're near the rear, however there is nothing that beats trucking! No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull over in a safe place if you require to do so!
Please feel welcome to comment or ask a question on our forum topic or the Discord channel #official-convoy.
Departure: Las Vegas.
Destination: Raton.
Additional Event Information: Event Rules | DLC: New Mexico & Arizona DLC required | Server: TruckersMP Official.
Wishing you happy and safe trucking, and we hope to see you there!
-TruckersMP Team.