Dear Players!
Welcome to the fourth edition of truckersmp Community Stories where each edition we feature a story about you guys! The idea of this is to bring the community further together, get to know each other and share our success stories.
Romanian Elite
On the 28th of October The Romanian Company organized a national convoy and invited most Romanian companies and neighboring companies from the Balkans to the 3rd edition of their convoys. The convoy was held to celebrate the company admin Sgt Salt’s birthday and also to reunite all the Romanian communities together. Last time RomaniaElit held a convoy it raised a record of 278 trucks which for east Europe was a record at the time. This time they were given a private server and police cars were given to the escorts of the convoy. The convoy this time had a record of 303 trucks which creates history for Romanian convoys and for truckersmp in general. This number has been beaten before but for a Romanian company to organize such a event in a week is amazing and we want to congratulate RomaniaElit on their Convoy. Romania Elit would like to congratulate: Ro Continental, Ro Cargo, Ro Harley Trans, Ro Polar Trans, Ro Tera Trafic, Ro speed Trans, Ro Dacia Trans, Ro Trans Alpina, Banat Cargo Trans, Black Express and Balkan Trans for their participation in this event!
Written by Sgt Salt.
The convoy video can be seen on Mr Bandit’s Channel here:
Couple pictures from Convoy: