Hello truckers
Today marks another day in the history books of TruckersMP.
Some of you have already been asking if it would be possible to feature their YouTube or Twitch channel on 1 or more of our platforms. We also find that those who put in that something extra and dedicate themselves every day to create good quality content or just to help people around on the forum, Facebook, Twitter... deserve recognition. That's why we've put together a program for those among you that work continuously to make this community a better place: the Community Contributors.
Contri what?
These are dedicated players that enrich our community in a meaningful way. Be it streaming on Twitch.tv, creating YouTube videos, running contests or even just being helpful around the forums, our contributors make our community a better and more exciting place.
Must have a genuine interest in the TruckersMP mod. Contributor must behave and create content in compliance with our Terms of Service, Official Rules. Contributor's content must have the potential to reach and influence the audience (in other words, Contributor must produce quality content). Contributor must have a genuine interest in helping us build a healthy community around our mod by sharing constructive feedback. Contributor must be actively involved in at least 1 community oriented channel such as Forums, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, modding. Contributor must be an active member of the community for at least 1 year. Contributor must have a good and positive standing within the community. Contributor can't be a member of TruckersMP staff.
What do they get out of it?
Amongst other benefits they will have a rank on the forum (similar to veteran ranks) and discord. Their respective work will also be featured on our different platforms and they will have opportunities to have collaborations with the TruckersMP team with regards to their content.
How can you become a Community Contributor?
Currently you can only become a contributor by recommendation from 1 of our team members, but in a later stage we will work on a way to sign up and then be evaluated before a possible admission.
Are Community Contributors a member of the TruckersMP staff?
No, they are members of the community that have deserved the right for special recognition by being constantly involved.
Who are they?
The list of the very first Contributors will be announced soon.
Regards, TruckersMP team