October 2017
21.10.17 First intercompany convoy with World-Express
November 2017
04.11.17 Internal convoy
11.11.17 Internal convoy
17.11.17 Internal convoy
18.11.17 Intercompany convoy with Maximus-Maximus Virtual Spedition
26.11.17 Convoy with OL-Trans
December 2017
01.12.17 Convoy with Mecha-Trans
02.12.17 Internal convoy
08.12.17 Convoy with Promil-Trans
17.12.17 Christmas Convoy
January 2018
06.01.18 Convoy with "Jabłonie"
13.01.18 Convoy with WE
20.01.18 Convoy with TruckersPL
26.01.18 Internal convoy
27.01.18 Birthday convoy of Q-LOG and Agromex
28.01.18 Convoy with Unipol
February 2018
04.02.18 Convoy with WE
05.02.18 Wujek Mateusz's birthday convoy
10.02.18 Convoy with Maximus-Maximus Virtual Spedition
25.02.18 Schilders convoy
March 2018
03.03.18 Convoy 'Pędzimy po Kolumbijską kawę'
10.03.18 IX 'Konwój przyjaźni'
17.03.18 Protest convoy
24.03.18 Convoy 'Wiosna ACH to ty'
25.03.18 Convoy with Wataha, TruckersPL, ALKOM and EMK-Logistic
31.03.18 Birthday convoy of Mecha-Trans
April 2018
02.04.18 Internal convoy
06.04.18 Convoy 'Tłusty Czwartek'
07.04.18 Convoy 'Po Polsku v2'
15.04.18 Convoy with Wataha
20.04.18 Convoy with Promil-Trans and Wataha
21.04.18 Convoy with Speedy-Trans
28.04.18 Convoy with Alkom and Pol-Trans
May 2018
05.05.18 Convoy 'Majówka'
12.05.18 Birthday convoy of EMK-Logistic founder, Ewa
13.05.18 Birthday convoy of Speedy-Trans
19.05.18 Convoy with Taz-Trans
24.05.18 Adam's birthday convoy from Ave-Trans
27.05,18 Convoy with MTD-Logistic
June 2018
01.06.18 Convoy 'Dzień Dziecka'
03.06.18 Convoy with Hektor-Trans
08.06.18 Convoy 'Owady lecą do kawy'
14.06.18 Birthday of Coffee-Spedition's boss, Karol_Domag
16.06.18 Convoy 'Tuptamy po picie'
23.06,18 Convoy with 'Unicors, OL-Trans, PSTVS, Tuptuś-Trans, Alko-Trans and Lesio-Trans
30.06.18 WWF Convoy
July 2018
01.07.18 Birthday convoy of PSTVS
07.07.18 Birthday convoy of Promil-Trans
21.07.18 Birthday convoy of Maximus-Maximus Virutal Spedition
28.07.18 Convoy with Polskie Osy and other VTC's
29.07.18 Convoy 'Powitalny'
August 2018
04.08.18 Birthday convoy of OL-Trans owner, Nanny
05.08.18 Convoy with Wataha and other VTC's
11.08.18 Convoy with Mad-Trans
15.08.18 Convoy with Taz-Trans
18.08.18 Birthday convoy of KFK-Logistics
23.08.18 Internal convoy
24.08.18 Internal convoy
25.08.18 Convoy with Bio-Trans
26.08.18 Internal convoy
September 2018
01.09.18 'End of vacation' convoy
08.09.18 Birthday convoy of Potwory&Spółka
15.09.18 Birthday convoy of OL-Trans
22.09.18 First birthday convoy of Coffee-Spedition and MTD-Logistic.
October 2018
02.10.18 Spontaneous convoy with Alko-Trans
04.10.18 Spontaneous convoy with Maximus-Maximus Virtual Spedition
06.10.18 Convoy with MDM-Logistic
07.10.18 Birthday convoy of Wojtek Fiszer
11.10.18 Birthday convoy of our VTC-members, Reksio, Daniek and Power
14.10.18 Convoy with Dakar-Logistics
17.10.18 Spontaneous convoy with Alko-Trans
20.10.18 Convoy with TruckersPL I Potwory&Spółka
27.10.18 Birthday convoy of TruckersPL
November 2018
03.11.18 First edition of our Hallowween Convoy
04.11.18 Internal convoy
11.11.18 Independence convoy
09.11.18 Birthday convoy of Mad-Trans
17.11.18 Convoy with TruckersPL
18.11.18 Convoy with Alko-Trans and Darkom
24.11.18 Convoy with Alko-Trans
25.11.18 Internal convoy
December 2018
02.12.18 Internal convoy
07.12.18 Birthday convoy of DreamTeam's CEO, Mysza
08.12.18 Convoy with Promil trans celebrating one year of friendship.
14.12.18 Christmas convoy
15.12.18 Convoy with Taz-Trans
22.12.18 Shepherdess convoy
January 2019
05.01.19 Spontaneous convoy with TruckersPL
05.01.19 Convoy with Repiński transport
07.01.19 Spontaneous convoy with Quality-Logistics
08.01.19 Spontanenous convoy with TruckersPL manager, Physalis
09.01.19 Spontaneous convoy with Quality-Logistics w ATS
12.01.19 Convoy with DreamTeam
14.01.19 Spontaneous convoy
15.01.19 Spontaneous convoy
18.01.19 Convoy with MTD-Logistic and Czarne Orły
25.01.19 Spontaneous convoy with Alko-Trans
26.01.19 Birthday convoy of Quality-Logistics
28.01.19 Spontaneous convoy
29.01.19 Two convoys with Alko-Trans
29.01.19 Birthday convoy of our two employees, Wujek Mateusz and Milutki
30.01.19 Spontaneous convoy with our new employee, Misiek.
February 2019
02.02.19 First edition of our 'Pędzimy do Vegas' convoy in ATS
06.02.19 Spontaneous convoy
09.02.19 Birthday convoy of EMK-Logistics
13.02.19 Spontaneous convoy
13.02.19 Heavy-Cargo convoy with Alko-Trans
14.02.19 Spontaneous convoy with Alko-Trans
16.02.19 Convoy 'PKM'
22.02.19 Internal spontaneous convoy
22.02.19 Spontaneous convoy with Alko-Trans
22.02.19 Spontaneous convoy with Alko-Trans
23.02.19 Birthday convoy of Mecha-Trans
24.02.19 Spontaneous convoy
24.02.19 Convoy with Alko-Trans
27.02.19 Convoy with Alko-Trans
March 2019
02.03.19 Convoy with Pol-Express
03.03.19 Spontaneous convoy with WoT delivery
08.03.19 Spontaneous convoy
08.03.19 Spontaneous convoy following the route of the convoy "Wszyscy Polacy to Jedna Rodzina"
09.03.19 Convoy "Wszyscy Polacy to Jedna Rodzina"
10.03.19 Convoy with Alko-Trans
11.03.19 Spontaneous convoy with WoT delivery
12.03.19 Spontaneous convoy with WoT delivery
15.03.19 Spontaneous convoy with WoT delivery
16.03.19 Spontaneous convoy with Magic-Trans
16.03.19 Convoy "Wiosna Ach To Ty"
16.03.19 Spontaneous convoy with WoT delivery
17.03.19 Spontaneous convoy with WoT delivery
21.03.19 Spontaneous convoy
22.03.19 Convoy with MTD-Logistic
23.03.19 Convoy with MTD-Logistic and an Hungarian VTC
24.03.19 Convoy following the route of the convoy 'Pędzimy po Kolumbijską kawę'
30.03.19 Convoy with Pol-Trans
31.03.19 Convoy with Quality-Logistics
April 2019
02.04.19 Birthday convoy of .MM., Maximus Maximus Virtual Spedition's owner.
06.04.19 Second edition of our convoy, 'Pędzimy po Kolumbijską kawę'
13.04.19 Convoy with Orzeł-Trans
14.04.19 Spontaneous convoy
15.04.19 Spontaneous convoy
20.04.19 Spontaneous convoy
30.04.19 Convoy with GTW-Logistic
May 2019
04.05.19 Spontaneous convoy
05.05.19 Birthday convoy of Dream-Team
11.05.19 Birthday convoy of Alko-Trans
12.05.19 Spontaneous convoy
15.05.19 Convoy with Russian Express
18.05.19 Convoy with DragonPoland Transport
22.05.19 Build of Reksio's Doghouse part 1
25.05.19 Birthday convoy of Hard Group Transport
28.05.19 Build of Reksio's Doghouse part 2
June 2019
01.06.19 Convoy 'Wszyscy jesteśmy dziećmi'
05.06.19 Build of Reksio's Doghouse part 3
08.06.19 Convoy with Happy Virtual Transport
14.06.19 Friendliness convoy
15.06.19 Convoy 'PKM' organised by arusf
16.06.19 Convoy with Alko-Trans celebrating 1 year of connection
19.06.19 Birthday convoy of Coffee-Spedition's owner, karol_domag, and two of our drivers, PanKapitan69 and PiotrekCoffee
22.06.19 Second edition of our 'Pędzimy do Vegas' convoy
part 2: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/109/news/4006
Coffee-Spedition was established on October 20th, 2017. The company is founded by ILikeIcedCoffe together with Karol_Domag and Wujek Matusz
Our slogan "The company is the people" refers to the main idea where the employed person is the most important part of the VTC. We believe that mutual understanding at every level of communication is necessary for the proper maintenance of our small community.