In January, we drove 815,286 kilometers. Comparing this to December, we improved our mileage results by 95%. Furthermore, taking into account November, which was the last month without company vacation, we recorded an increase of 35%.
Popekk drove 154,402 kilometers. Mario1151 drove 112,364 kilometers. Olszuwa01 drove 97,865 kilometers.
Marek1986 drove 74,470 kilometers.
Total number of active drivers: 18 Total number of retirees: 6 🧑 Total: 24 people
Thank you for your participation in Coffee-Spedition.
Coffee-Spedition was established on October 20th, 2017. The company is founded by ILikeIcedCoffe together with Karol_Domag and Wujek Matusz
Our slogan "The company is the people" refers to the main idea where the employed person is the most important part of the VTC. We believe that mutual understanding at every level of communication is necessary for the proper maintenance of our small community.