Tocmai ce am terminat un convoi superb desfasurat pe Simulation 3.La acest convoi am avut o prezenta foarte frumoasa.A fost un convoi foarte bine organizat datorita membrilor staff foarte dedicati.
Le multumim tuturor participantilor dar in special liderului nostru de convoi Andrei si pilotilor Remus si G2 Alexandru.
(RO) TRANS EXPRESS,conducem oriunde și oricand!
We just finished a superb convoy deployed on ProModes. At this convoy I had a very nice presence. It was a very well organized convoy thanks to the very dedicated staff members.
We thank all the participants but especially our convoy leader Andrei and the pilots Remus and G2 Alexandru.
(RO) TRANS EXPRESS, we drive anywhere and anytime!
Detalii: | Details:
Sambata, 27 februarie 2021 | Sunday,27 February 2021
Joc: Euro Truck Simulator 2 | Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2
Locatie de plecare:Groningen | Starting Location: Groningen
Destinație: Linz | Destination: Linz
Ora: 21:30 | Time (Meetup/Start): 9:30 PM
Server: Simulare 3 | Server: Simulation 3
DLC: / | DLC: /
Multumim pentru atentia acordata!