Convoi [RO] Trans Express-2 Ani de activitate
Astazi comunitatea noastra a implinit 2 ani de activitate.Au fost 2 ani plini de probleme dar si de fine cu toate astea noi am dat inainte si am ajuns sa facem convoi cu o prezenta foarte frumoasa pe dlc Baltic Sea.Tin sa le multumesc tuturor care au fost alaturi de noi la bine si la greu.La multi ani [RO] Trans Express si la cat mai multe convoaie frumoase.
[RO] Trans Express -- „Conducem oriunde și oricand”
Convoy [RO] Trans Express-2 Years of activity
Today our community celebrated 2 years of activity. It was 2 years full of problems but also of happiness ... finally with all this we went ahead and we ended up making a convoy with a very beautiful presence on dlc Baltic Sea. to thank all those who have been with us for better or for worse. Happy birthday [RO] Trans Express and as many beautiful convoys as possible.
[RO] Trans Express - "We drive anywhere and anytime"