Poate multi isi pun intrebarea : Cum sarbatoriti voi Halloween? Ei bine, noi ca si VTC Romanesc serbam aceasta sarbatoare prin participarea la evenimente cu tematica de Halloween (incarcatura, paint, dar si traseu). Dupa cum poate bine stiti, cei de la TruckersMP au creat un eveniment cu diferite marfuri pentru perioada acestei sarbatori. Aseara, vineri 25 octombrie am fost si alaturi de cei de la TruckersMP, carandu le una din marfurile specifice acestei perioade. Am preferat sa ducem bostani pentru a arata aprecierea fata de cei de la TruckersMP pentru munca depusa de ei. Evenimentul a decurs exceptional, avand in vedere ca pe traseu am avut placerea sa ne mai intalnim cu inca un convoi ce aveau ceva in comun cu noi-marfa. Tinem sa le multumim celor de la TruckersMP pentru oportunitatile, ideile si pentru tot ceea ce adauga in acesta comunitate minunata!
Maybe many ask themselves the question: How do you celebrate Halloween? Well, we, like VTC Romanian, celebrate this holiday by participating in Halloween-themed events (loading, paint, but also route). As you may well know, TruckersMP has created an event with various goods for the period of this holiday. Last night, Friday October 25, I was with the TruckersMP, carrying one of the goods specific to this period. We preferred to take apricots to show our appreciation to the people from TruckersMP for the work they did. The event went exceptionally well, considering that on the route we had the pleasure of meeting another convoy that had something in common with us - cargo. We want to thank TruckersMP for the opportunities, ideas and everything they add to this wonderful community!