Dupa cum bine stiti, [RO] Trans Express este singurul VTC verificat Romanesc care a organizat inconjurul lumii din ets2. Dupa o scurta organizare, acest minunat eveniment l-am impartit in 20 de trasee, ce au locuri de parcare si de plecare exacte (unde se termina o ruta, se porneste urmatoarea). A fost si este in continuare o munca destul de dificila ce cu greu am adus o la viata. Spunem ca este o munca dificila pentru ca mai avem 2 rute in plan ce vor fi terminate la inceputul lunii noiembrie. Pe parcursul traseelor am dat de impedimente cu diferite grade de dificultate din cauza incarcaturilor; acest lucru s-a datorat faptului ca fiecare ruta/tara a avut o incarcatura specifica.Speram sa terminam cu bine acest mega eveniment si sa le putem planifica si pe urmatoarele. Credem ca prin postari, poze si alte lucruri publicate pe mass-media mai putem aduce la viata si alte VTC-uri ce nu mai au idei de evenimente.
As you well know, [RO] Trans Express is the only verified Romanian VTC that organized a world tour in ETS2. After a brief planning phase, we divided this amazing event into 20 routes, each with exact parking and departure locations (where one route ends, the next one starts). It has been and still is quite a challenging task to bring to life. We say it's a difficult job because we still have 2 routes planned, which will be completed at the beginning of November. Throughout the routes, we encountered obstacles of varying degrees of difficulty due to the loads; this was because each route/country had a specific cargo. We hope to successfully complete this mega event and start planning the next ones. We believe that through posts, pictures, and other media, we can inspire other VTCs that may be running out of event ideas.