Salutare prieteni! Din anumite cunostinte (auzite/participare), stiti ca am organizat un mega eveniment in VTC-ul nostru. Acest eveniment s-a numit Around The World. Dupa cum ii zice si numele, ne am dorit sa facem ceea ce in Romania nu s-a mai organizat pana acum, asta insemnand inconjurul lumii. Pe parcursul a 20 de rute, alaturi de anumiti colegi din VTC am organizat aceste 20 de rute sub forma de convoaie; in convoaie, conditia a fost sa participam cu paint-ul comunitatii aplicat pe orice camion. Anumite personalitati au decis sa conduca un singur camion pe toata perioada rutelor, ajungad cu acesta la o suma cuprinsa intre 20 si 24 000 km. Nu a fost deloc usoara organizarea acestui eveniment, dar cu implicarea doar a unora dintre colegii staff-ului nsotru am dus acest proiect la final. Poate va intrebati de ce nu a fost usoara o asemenea organizare. Ei bine, fiecare ruta a fost legata de cea din urma; finalul fiecarei rute era inceputul uneia noi, mai mult decat atat am decis ca marfa fiecarei rute sa fie din zona din care plecam si in cea in care ajungeam (ex. SanBuilders > Cariera). Acum, poate va ganditi ca a fost un proiect de 20 de convoaie ce s-au terminat in 2 luni, dar acest eveniment a fost conceput si pus in practica la inceputul verii si a fost terminat pe data de 2 noiembrie 2024.
Inca o data tinem sa le multumim celor ce s-au implicat si s-au dedicat acestui proiect.
Cu stima, Fondator
Hello, friends!
As some of you might know from hearing or participating, we organized a massive event in our VTC. This event was called Around The World. As the name suggests, we aimed to do something unprecedented in Romania, meaning a journey around the world.
Over 20 routes, together with some colleagues from our VTC, we organized these 20 routes as convoys. In each convoy, the condition was to participate with the community paint applied to any truck. Certain individuals chose to drive a single truck for the entire series of routes, reaching a total distance of between 20,000 and 24,000 km.
Organizing this event was not easy at all, but with the involvement of a few of our staff members, we managed to complete this project. You may wonder why organizing something like this was difficult. Well, each route was connected to the one before it; the end of each route marked the beginning of a new one. Additionally, we decided that the cargo for each route would be specific to the area we were departing from and the area we were arriving at (e.g., SanBuilders > Quarry).
Now, you might think it was a project of 20 convoys completed in 2 months, but in fact, this event was planned and implemented starting at the beginning of summer and was completed on November 2, 2024.
Once again, we want to thank everyone who got involved and dedicated themselves to this project.
With respect, The Founder