Salutare dragilor,
Stim ca au trecut 2 saptamani de la finalizarea evenimentului aniversar de ziua Romaniei, dar cum niciodata nu e prea tarziu, astazi venim cu o mica descriere a acestuia.
Ei bine, dupa o munca si un anume effort depuse, am reusit ca fiind singurul VTC verificat din Romania sa aducem din nou la viata acest eveniment national. Dupa cum bine stiti VTC urile romanesti s-au imputinat din cauza lipsei de timp si de interes din partea staff-ului acestora. Noi, [RO] Trans Express am reusit sa tinem traditia mai departe si sa conducem cu mandrie pe data de 1 Decembrie pe drumurile minunatului DLC Road to the Black Sea; acesta fiind singurul ce ne permite sa fim pe drumurile patriei. Dupa cum ziceam, nu am avut parte decat de 3 VTC uri romanesti, carora le multumim enorm pentru participare si pentru implicarea in inchirierea serverului de eveniment.
Nu putem spune ca a fost ceva usor, pentru ca a fost un eveniment de 100+ camioane, dar cu ajutorul celor din STAFF-ul nostru am reusit sa o ducem la capat. Putem spune ca nu a fost o implicare grozava din partea tuturor, dar speram ca fiecare s-a gandit macar o secunda la noi cei ce ne ocupam de eveniment.
Ruta a fost una de success, pornind din Timisoara si terminand la Bucuresti, putem spune ca am taiat tara in 2 conducand pe o distanta de aproximativ 800 de kilometri. Un lucru demn de urmat este ca acest traseu a fost ales de unul dintre soferii nostril ce si-a dedicat cateva ore din timpul lui pentru a ne surprinde cu un asemena traseu.
Totodata, consideram ca toate comunitatile internationale (Rusesti, Poloneze, Germane, Englezesti, Frantuzesti etc.) sunt de acord cu faptul ca sutem colegi si in acelasi timp o familie in ceea ce priveste TruckersMP si ca ne-au onorat cu o mirobolanta prezenta.
Nu in ultimul rand, avand in vedere ca timpul a fost scurt, le multumim echipei de coordonare ce ne au lasat o super senzatie pe tot parcursul traseului.
Inca o data, multumim pentru implicarea si participarea tuturor la acest eveniment.
Cu respect , Robert-CEO&FOUNDER [RO] Trans Express
Hello, everyone,
We know it has been two weeks since the conclusion of the Romanian National Day anniversary event, but as it's never too late, today we’re here to share a brief description of it.
Well, after some hard work and effort, we managed—as the only verified VTC from Romania—to bring this national event back to life. As you know, Romanian VTCs have dwindled due to a lack of time and interest from their staff. However, we at [RO] Trans Express have succeeded in keeping the tradition alive and proudly drove on December 1st along the roads of the magnificent Road to the Black Sea DLC—the only one allowing us to drive on the roads of our homeland.
As mentioned, only three Romanian VTCs joined us, and we are incredibly grateful to them for participating and contributing to renting the event server.
We can’t say it was an easy task, as this was an event with over 100 trucks. But with the help of our STAFF, we managed to see it through. While not everyone contributed significantly, we hope that each person took at least a moment to think of us, the ones who organized this event.
The route was a success! Starting from Timișoara and ending in Bucharest, we essentially drove across the country, covering a distance of approximately 800 kilometers. One remarkable aspect is that this route was chosen by one of our drivers, who dedicated several hours of his time to surprise us with such a fantastic journey.
At the same time, we believe that all the international communities (Russian, Polish, German, English, French, etc.) agree that we are not only colleagues but also a family in the world of TruckersMP, and we were honored by their incredible presence.
Finally, given the short preparation time, we want to thank the coordination team for providing us with an exceptional experience throughout the event.
Once again, thank you all for your involvement and participation in this event.
With respect, ** Robert – CEO & FOUNDER of [RO] Trans Express **
Credits: [RO] Trans Express CC Team : TTCR