Craciun fericit tuturor!
Poate sunteti curiosi cum ne-am organizat noi programul pentru aceasta sarbatoare a iernii. Ei bine, uite aici raspunsul : Pentru inceput putem spune ca pentru noi, Craciunul este una dintre cele mai mari si mai importante sarbatori, iar aceasta trebuie tratata ca atare; prin acest lucru ma refer la timp petrecut impreuna cu familia, prietenii si apropiatii. Zilele acestea de sarbatoare, noi le am petrecut prin curse pe ETS 2, agricultura pe FS 25 si survival pe The Forest. Totodata, fiind si o sarbatoare a cadourilor, unul dintre colegii nostrii s a hotarat sa ofere ca dar toate DLC urile de harta unui coleg de al nostru, ce momentan nu detinea niciun add-on.
Aceasta este o mica prezentare cu ocupatiile noastre in aceste zile. Revenim cu convoaie si evenimente interesante de pe data de 27 decembrie.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Maybe you are curious how we organized our program for this winter holiday. Well, here's the answer: To begin with, we can say that for us, Christmas is one of the biggest and most important holidays, and it must be treated as such; by this I mean time spent with family, friends and relatives. These holiday days, I didn't spend them racing on ETS 2, farming on FS 25 and survival on The Forest. At the same time, being a celebration of gifts, one of our colleagues decided to give as a gift all the map DLCs to one of our colleagues, who currently did not have any add-ons.
This is a small presentation of our occupations these days. We are back with convoys and interesting events from December 27.