Ca de final de an, ne-am hotarat sa facem ceva mai diferit, ce ulterior a devenit o grozava idee. Chiar daca cei de la TruckersMP ne-au pus deja la dispozitie un autobuz electric, noi am decis ca nu este de ajuns si ca trebuie sa incercam ceva la o cota mai inalta. Cazand de comun acord cu staff-ul nostru, am hotarat sa instalam un renumit mod de autobuz pentru o sesiune de convoi pe serverele celor de la SCS. Cu acest convoi am starnit cu mult atentia soferilor nostri, propunandu-le sa vina si cu alte idei de asemenea convoaie (pe sesiune SCS cu moduri). Pana acum pot spune ca am primit propuneri interesante de camioane mod, dar si de harti. Revenind la autobuz, modelul pe care l-am condus cu mandrie a fost Mercedes-Benz New Travego 16 SHD, de care putem spune ca ne-a lasat cu o senzatie exceptionala. Ruta a fost una aproximativ nou integrata de cei de la Euro Truck, aceasta pornind din Berna-RTLOG si finalizand la Innsbruck-RTLOG.
Intr-un final, tin sa le multumesc colegilor ce s-au implicat in crearea acestui eveniment. Totodata, cu ocazia finalizarii a inca unui an calendaristic, le multimim pentru activitatea si implicarea de care au dat dovada! LA MULTI ANI!
Stima si respect, Robert Fondator&CEO
As the year comes to an end, we decided to try something different, which turned into a fantastic idea. Even though the TruckersMP team already provided us with an electric bus, we felt it wasn’t enough and decided to aim for something even more ambitious. After discussing with our staff, we agreed to install a renowned bus mod for a convoy session on SCS servers.
This convoy drew significant attention from our drivers, encouraging them to come up with other ideas for similar convoys (on SCS sessions with mods). So far, I can say we’ve received some interesting proposals, including modded trucks and maps.
Returning to the bus, the model we proudly drove was the Mercedes-Benz New Travego 16 SHD, which left us with an exceptional impression. The route was a relatively new one, recently integrated by Euro Truck, starting in Bern-RTLOG and ending in Innsbruck-RTLOG.
Finally, I want to thank my colleagues who were involved in organizing this event. Also, as we close another calendar year, we thank them for their dedication and commitment! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Best regards, Robert Founder & CEO