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🕊️ Obrigado por tudo, MANKILLER! 🖤

By ALLIANCE Jean M.   |   06 Nov 2024 02:53 UTC | Updated on 06 Nov 2024 02:55 UTC


🕊 É com grande pesar que comunicamos o falecimento do nosso querido amigo Welington (conhecido como MANKILLER), ocorrido em 04/11/2024. Expressamos nossos mais sinceros sentimentos aos familiares e amigos 😢

Quem teve o privilégio de conhecê-lo no mundo virtual dos caminhões sabe que ele era uma pessoa alegre, humilde e, acima de tudo, um grande amigo. Deixamos aqui o nosso muito obrigado por ter feito parte da nossa história desde os tempos da 'época raiz', quando ainda éramos BR-CNJ 🖤

🕊 It's with great sadness that we announce the passing away of our dear friend 'Wellington' (aka MANKILLER) which occurred on November 4th, 2024. We express our most sincere condolences to his family and friends 😢

Anyone with the privilege of meeting him in this virtual world of 'Trucks' knows he was a happy person and a great friend.

We'd like to thank him for being part of our history since we were 'BR-CNJ' 🖤

#alliancevirtual #ETS2 #ATS #scssoftware #trucks #memories #truckersmp #friends #brazil #brcnj

alc_blobcat 2
alc_blobcatheart 2
HaulieCry 3


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Language: Portuguese
Created: 26 Jul 2019 23:38 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: ALLIANCE Jean M.
Members: 75
Recruitment: Open