Rising Logistics

Rising Together

Driver of the Month - November

By [RL] GreenPepper2   |   06 Dec 2021 22:26 UTC | Updated on 06 Dec 2021 22:30 UTC

Audio Version: https://youtu.be/siAO3PO0KBA

Congratulations Phoenix, on becoming the Driver of the month for November.

You have put considerable commitment and dedication into Rising Logistics, we are obliged to have you in our team.

You are always enthusiastic to drive with others, and you never say no to a nice drive.

You always put effort into joining our convoys, and make us laugh with a good joke. But when your time comes to shine as the lead, you will instantly become serious and take on that job with everything you got.

You have great responsibility for convoy lead, and your leadership skills show us that you could keep on going with ease.

You always show great professionalism and qualification in the Human Recourses department.

Thank you Phoenix, for everything you have done in Rising Logistics, we are honored to have you in our team.


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Tag: Rising Logistics
Language: English
Created: 23 Apr 2020 12:12 UTC
Supported Game
Euro Truck Simulator 2
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: [RL] GreenPepper2
Members: 21
Recruitment: Open