This is the 2nd newsletter from the Event Department for the month August 2022. We want to inform you drivers from the Event Department regarding how well drivers did in convoys. Also all the statistics in the events we did as Rising.
Congrats Phoenix for attending the most convoys this month. A whopping 24 convoys. Stappat is second with 23 convoys and the third place is for ArneM16 with 19 convoys.
Rising Logistics attended this month a whopping 27 convoys in August That is 4 more convoys than in July with an attendance overall of 157 drivers. That is 46 more drivers than in July.
In ETS2 “normal” map it was a total of 19 convoys. In ETS2 “ProMods” map it was a total of 3 convoys. In ATS it was 5 convoys.
The total attendance for July:
Participants on ETS2 total:
Participants on ETS2, Promods total:
Participants on ATS total:
All Statistics: (statistics from July 1st 2022 till August 31th 2022)
As Event Team we introduced a convoy rating system after we attended a convoy. As Driver you now can give your vote for the convoy on a rate scale of 5. (1 is bad - 5 is very good) Please vote after you attended the convoy. We, as Event Team, can see how good or bad a convoy was from a Driver view perspective. Please do not vote bad if you don’t like the VTC or got rammed by a driver in the convoy. the voting is for how well the convoy was. CC messages, guiding from the Event Team in the convoy and things like that.
We also hosted our own Public convoy 19th of August. There was a bit less attendance from Rising Drivers and public people. We had around 30 trucks driving in our convoy. Thank you Tropical for making the profile and Slakkie for doing all the Supervisor work while we did the convoy.
Sadly we had to say goodbye to Slakkie as Event Manager. We want to thank him for his work. You are a Legend. We will see him on the road as a Rising Logistics Driver.
We want to welcome Gummy in the Event Team. He is going to help us with CC.
Thank you for attending and see you at the next convoy.
Stappat and TropicalTrucker
Event Managers